by Mark Geenen | Nov 21, 2016 | TRENDFOCUS Blog
The 2016 Presidential Race will not be forgotten soon. The race between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump was hotly contested, and at the end it was Trump who was victorious. As soon as Clinton and Trump were officially confirmed as the democratic and republican...
by John Chen | Aug 18, 2016 | TRENDFOCUS Blog
Capacity enterprise, or nearline HDDs are a mainstay for inexpensive, reliable bulk storage, utilized by nearly all enterprise market segments, including servers, network or external storage and hyperscale or could service providers. For as long as TRENDFOCUS has been...
by Jason Lervold | Aug 2, 2016 | TRENDFOCUS Blog
As we stated in a recent blog, NAND is, in fact, in short supply these days. But let’s be honest, is it really going to effect the supply going to SSDs? Will our options for buying an SSD-base notebook PC dry up over the next few quarters? Or will notebook PCs with...
by John Chen | Mar 31, 2016 | TRENDFOCUS Blog
If anyone has been in the storage industry for a number of years, we can all agree that there was so much hype about PCIe taking over the SSD world! Since around 2012 you couldn’t be at a trade show or meeting without having to hear ‘isn’t PCIe going to kill off SATA...