by Mark Geenen | May 26, 2015 | TRENDFOCUS Blog
Higher disk/drive counts in nearline HDDs combined with limited investment in aluminum disk substrate manufacturing have amplified tension on the industry supply chain. Key parts of the disk manufacturing process, specifically NP (nickel plate) and NPP (nickel plate...
by John Chen | May 18, 2015 | TRENDFOCUS Blog
Much hoopla was recently published about Gordon Moore’s “law” turning 50 years old. An overly simplistic summary basically states that Moore’s Law leads to a doubling of transistors on a microchip every 18 months (lengthened from an original estimate of 12...
by Jason Lervold | Feb 26, 2015 | TRENDFOCUS Blog
SSDs continue to show great growth in the commercial notebook PC market. Depending on a users priorities for what they need in notebook PC, whether it’s a thinner notebook, blazing fast speed, higher capacities, or a combination of any one of these three, they can...
by Mark Geenen | Dec 18, 2014 | TRENDFOCUS Blog
Disk supply has been a point of concern for a couple years now, and despite stalling overall HDD volumes, disk demand is projected to rise. The nearline HDD market is the main reason behind surging volumes given the high disk count per nearline HDD. Currently, all...